Josie's 3rd Birthday

Our Princess Josephine is becoming such a spunky lil Girl!

As always on December 10th we celebrated Josie's Birthday at home with a family dinner and cake.  Seeing how Josie's birthday falls during the holiday season, our elf Tad also celebrates with us!

We celebrated Josie’s third birthday with a bowling party at Kent Bowl.  The location meets all of our needs as far as space and activities provided.  We rented their party room which fit our twenty-five guests well.  We started off with some bumper bowling for the kids.  Being that the kids were all six and under we didn’t finish off the game before they lost interest but they enjoyed it non-the less. 

After bowling we went in to the party room to have pizza and appetizers while Josie opened her gifts.
WHAT A RACE! She quickly opened each present, made a comment about what it was or how cute the item was before tossing it aside and proclaiming; “THERE’S MORE!” 
As always Josie received a fabulous assortment of clothing, toys and BALLOONS!! Prior to her birthday when asked what she wanted Josie said "a barbie, a pony and balloons".  Wow did she ever get Balloons- 34 balloons to be exact! Thank you to Shobi for putting them in her car and bringing them home for us.  Thank you to all of our friends and family that took the time out of their Saturday to celebrate with us.  It really was awesome to have all of the Grandparents in attendance this year.  We love you all. 

Josie has become quiet the feisty lil sass.  Don’t let her cuteness fool you.  She is a true sour patch kid who goes from giving you cuddles and kisses one minute to ripping the pages out of a book while smiling at you the next.  She’s as stubborn as she is intelligent.  She can count to ten and sing the alphabet, spell her name and name all the basic colors and shapes.  She also can move a chair and climb on top the highest counters and furniture faster than you can take a pee break!!!
Josie is our picky eater.  We joke she’s a vegetarian because the meat she randomly chooses to eat is only a couple of times a week.  She loves broccoli, apples, goldfish, pasta and sauce, bagels and cream cheese and some good old cheddar cheese.  She has recently been eating more sandwiches but still has no interest in drinking juice.  Her favorite stuff is JUNK FOOD; she will cry for chips if they’re in the house so I rarely buy them.  And anything chocolate or cookies are also always a Josie pleaser. 
When it comes to play time Josie enjoys a diverse selection of activities both inside and outside.  Outside she likes to ride her scooter or her bike, if at a park she enjoys the swings or digging in the dirt with Issac.  Inside she plays with her princess castle every day and shares her attention among her babies and Barbies as well as Issac’s cars and dinosaurs.  She loves play dough and coloring but is obsessed with removing the paper from the crayons before she colors on the paper. She enjoys making forts with blankets and playing house. 
At this age if you ask Josie what she wants to be called she says Josie or Jojo; not Joesphine and she wants to be a Mommy when she grows up!


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