October Field Trips

In October I was lucky enough to volunteer as a chaperone on two separate field trips with the kids.  First, Josie & I went back to Thomasson Family Farm with her preschool.  Then, I rode on a school bus with 40 kindergarteners to Woodland Park Zoo.  Each trip was fun.  I enjoy seeing how excited Issac gets when I give my time to his class.  He gets giddy and lovie; giving me lots of kisses & hugs and whispering “I love you” in my ear.  

Typically I write detailed stories in our blogs because I hope one day my kids will read these posts, our family’s digital scrapbook I call it.  However, I am months behind & trying to play catch up so I am going to let the pictures do the talking!
But I will say Josie’s field trip was perfect. The weather was wonderful and the company always delightful.  Issac’s field trip was a soaking wet mess!  The rain was typical Seattle October rain drops & dark skies.  The kids in my group tried to stay positive even though one child cried for an hour because her feet were wet through her tennis shoes. We spent most the day with another Mom & her group of children.  I enjoyed watching Issac interact with his peers. 

Josie’s Field Trip to Thomasson Family Farm.

Issac’s Field Trip to Woodland Park Zoo.




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