
Showing posts from May, 2015

Mother"s Day Weekend 2015

We started off celebrating Mother's Day with Josie & I attending the Mother's Day Tea at her preschool on Thursday. I attended a similar event with my son last year. The idea behind the event is simple enough- a gathering of mothers & grandmothers with their offspring to celebrate each other & the upcoming holiday- Mother's Day.    Because we live "out of town" or hours away from our families, I couldn't invite my Mom or Mother in law to join me as the others around me could. I sat with my child, alone.... JOKING! I sat at a table surrounded by my preschool mommy friends. Josie's teacher had the entire room set up before anyone arrived. Each Mom had a name card & a stack of gifts at their place setting. It was a wonderful event and I left feeling  thought of. The months & weeks leading up to the event; someone, Teacher Carol to be exact thought of all us Moms. Josie's teacher really went above and beyond to m


I can hardly believe that Issac is six. It is true that time flies. I try to take daily mental notes of all the little things so I can preserve our children's young lives forever in my memories. I take pictures every day. Pictures I share and pictures I don't. So many wonderful friends & family members see our kids grow via social media & I am thankful for the ability to stay in contact with people all across the globe.  But there is so much people don't see or know.  So in an effort to preserve today, here are six things about Issac that you just can't fully capture with an image. 1- His love for loving. Issac loves giving loves. If we go somewhere new, he is great at holding Josie's hand. If Josie gets hurt, he gives her a loving squeeze.  He gives the best hugs & a ton of kisses. He gives Josie loves before he leaves for school & has a routine of hugs & kisses each morning he gives me loves as he gets on the bus or at drop off.

Easter Extravaganza

This year Easter weekend was busy, busy, busy. It went fast & was fabulous weather, people & filled with fun.   To start it off, Josie & I had an Easter egg hunt & celebration with her preschool class.   This was fun but I have beef with two set s of parents- whomever put glitter in the plastic eggs needs to identify themselves for clean up duties next time & whomever put the stamps in the eggs should have warned me because Josie got a hold of those stamps & covered her arms & legs on the ride home without me even noticing.   Although I should have known something more than candy eating was happening in the back seat by her silence!   On Saturday was Issac’s first soccer game of the season.   Grandpa Brad & Grandma Shannon came to watch.   Then we went home to get the dogs & load the car and our apartment community was hosting an Easter Egg hunt with food, cookie decorating & bunny pictures.    Once we finall

Field Trip Fun

I have been so fortunate to be able to chaperone all of the kid’s field trips this year.   In October I went to the zoo with Issac & to the pumpkin patch with Josie.   This spring I chaperoned three more trips. I always enjoy seeing the kids interact with their classmates and I usually have a little fun too.   In February, I accompanied Issac’s Kindergarten class to the Seattle Aquarium .   A lot of parents volunteered for this trip so I only had three children in my group which made it easy to swiftly move from one exhibit to another. It was a cold rainy day.   We started off by seeing a scuba diver in the front takes, exploring the touch tanks, walking around to visit all the fish(twice) and then spent a good chunk of time outside watching the seals & otters.   The kids in my group were bummed that there wasn’t any dolphins or whales as if we were going to Sea World!   To wrap up our trip we watched the octopuses get feed shrimp & then attended a hour long