
I can hardly believe that Issac is six. It is true that time flies. I try to take daily mental notes of all the little things so I can preserve our children's young lives forever in my memories. I take pictures every day. Pictures I share and pictures I don't. So many wonderful friends & family members see our kids grow via social media & I am thankful for the ability to stay in contact with people all across the globe.  But there is so much people don't see or know. 
So in an effort to preserve today, here are six things about Issac that you just can't fully capture with an image.

1- His love for loving.
Issac loves giving loves. If we go somewhere new, he is great at holding Josie's hand. If Josie gets hurt, he gives her a loving squeeze.  He gives the best hugs & a ton of kisses. He gives Josie loves before he leaves for school & has a routine of hugs & kisses each morning he gives me loves as he gets on the bus or at drop off. I realize these kisses are numbered with each day & year so I welcome all the lovins. Nothing makes me smile more than Issac's sweet kisses on the forehead & checks. 

2- His quest for knowledge.
Issac loves Wild Keatts on PBS. The show educates children on animals & their habitats & Issac loves learning about everything from worms to Hippos & Tigers! Kindergarten has also been a year of of emotional & academic growth for Issac. He now reads at a second grade level & every opportunity to read- he takes!!! building signs, flyers at informational booths.... If it has words- Issac is reading it!  

3- His love of water.
Puddles, swimming, wadding, making mud pies,  the bath tub. Issac loves to play in the water. Always has & I am sure he always will.

4- His love of sticks.
Every where we go; Issac finds a stick. If we go to a park or on a hike or if he is just outside our front door there is a stick to be found!!! Issac stashes sticks too!!! Often we have sticks outside our front door, sitting on our pack porch, a stack in the bush next to where I park my car & even a few sticks stashed under the driver's seat in my car!!! 

5-His own style of clothing.
Since he was three, Issac has vocalized that he likes polo shirts. He actually calls them "handsome boy shirts"! He doesn't like long sleeved shirts or long socks. He requires an under tank top & prefers to layer his clothes, sometimes sneaking out of the house with 3 or 4 shirts on!!!! He likes to wear a button up on top of his tee shirts & never leaves the house(except school) without his baseball hat!  

6-His Sillyness!
I swear Issac is a lil comedian! He loves telling jokes, having dance parties & making people laugh. I love when he makes Josie giggle & then the two of them have a "giggle party". He has this side of him that we call "that lil Grandpa Brad comes out!" Where he makes silly voices & breaks out in a lil happy dance! He care about other people's happiness too & knows when those around him are feeling down- that's when he steps up to make them smile!

Today, We Celebrate my little man, my number one. Today he turns six & I hope that he continues to be this amazingly kind, generous & loving guy forever!!! 


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