Jolly January

January was only two months ago but what a vast different life we were living prior to COVID -19.  We are enjoying the down time but miss our busy lives filled with enriching people and activities such as dance, sports and scouts! 

School didn't start back up from the Winter break until January 6th, so the first weekend of the year was not overly booked.  We started off Saturday morning participating our our last Cub Scout Christmas Tree Pick up.  This is an awesome community service project & fundraiser for our local scouts.  They pick up trees around the community and a local company hauls them to another local company that turns the trees in to Mulch.  Community members mail in or hand the scouts donations for the service.  In our Cub Scout Pack, each scout that participates gets $50 toward their Scout Summer Camp experience.  Issac enjoys being helpful and likes service projects.  
 Above- Issac unloading a truck.
Bellow- Issac in front of semi truck load  number 1 of 2!

Tyler's Mom & brother both live about 90 minutes away.  We try to get together often but sometimes weeks and months go bye.  Because of busy schedules and a vacation (MIL went to Hawaii), we celebrated Christmas in January!  It was a nice evening of gifts, food and fun.  The kids love being around their cousins.  I love watching Issac with them, such a soft and caring side shines.  Josie loves having the girls around but easily gets jealous when she is not the center of her Dad's world!

 Above- Our four Sipress Cousins

Issac is not our only scouter in the family, Josie is in her third year as a Girl Scout.  Josie loves Girl Scouts because of the sisterhood she shares, experiences she has and crafts she gets to do. In January she kicked of her third cookies season by attending a cookie rally where she learned about the eight cookie varieties by visiting booths and participating in crafts, games and songs.  

 Above- Josie at her Cookie Rally.  

January was packed with a list of "lasts" as we prepared Issac for his tradition from being a Cub Scout to a BOY SCOUT!  We spent a lot of time as parents, volunteers and a family preparing for his crossing over and savoring all the moments.  We had our last den field trip, our last den meeting, our last pack meeting and our last Cub Scout Pine wood Derby! Issac has placed in the top three of his den multiple times, Tiger, Bear, & his Webelos 1 year so this year his goal was to place over all.  It did not happen and he did have his moment of upset, and frustration but was able to work through his emotions and was able to celebrate his 2nd place finish for his den.  

The Saturday of the Pinewood derby was packed! We had a morning basketball game and the derby! Uncle Jayson came up for the day with the cousins. My Mom also spent that busy Saturday with us and the kids just love having people show an interest and caring about what is import to them.  

 Above- Issac's team lost by 2 pts
Bellow- Our cousin wanted held by my Mom, passed right out!
Also Above- My Mom wants me to have more kids because she misses having lil littles around. 
Bellow- A fun & successful Sipress filled day!
We wrapped up January with our High School's Mini Cheer performance. This was Josie's fifth or sixth time to participate in the mini cheer week.  She has always enjoyed singing and dancing so it is a week of fun.  She still dances at a local dance studio but none of her school friends take classes with her so Mini Cheer is a way to share her love of dance with her school friends.  The week of Mini Cheer we had snow! The snow caused us to wonder and it was all the way down to the last minute on if the basketball game and half time performance were even going to happen!  But they did and our girl killed it. :)



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