Jolly January
January was only two months ago but what a vast different life we were living prior to COVID -19. We are enjoying the down time but miss our busy lives filled with enriching people and activities such as dance, sports and scouts! School didn't start back up from the Winter break until January 6th, so the first weekend of the year was not overly booked. We started off Saturday morning participating our our last Cub Scout Christmas Tree Pick up. This is an awesome community service project & fundraiser for our local scouts. They pick up trees around the community and a local company hauls them to another local company that turns the trees in to Mulch. Community members mail in or hand the scouts donations for the service. In our Cub Scout Pack, each scout that participates gets $50 toward their Scout Summer Camp experience. Issac enjoys being helpful and likes service projects. Above- Issac unloading a truck. Bellow- Issac in front of semi truck load numb