Spring Ducks!

For Spring Break this year I adventured north to my Mom's house in Ferndale with the kids. Issac loves walking the dogs with Grandma Melanie & popped up in bed every morning looking for her.  It was good to get away and I'm thankful to my Mom & Aunt Nicole who took vacation time off work to spend with us.  Issac still had a rough cold so we mostly stayed in minus an adventure to Hovander Park & a coffee date with my old high school BFF I hadn't seen since graduation.  At the park, being early spring they only had a varitety of birds & some bunnies. Every bird was a duck. Turkey, goose or rooster didn't matter to Issac they were all "dux".  
Saturday we bought Issac a twin sized race car bed. We bought the twin in hopes we can get a few good years out of it.  He was excited from the second he saw it. I am happy that with a little effort from Tyler, Issac has slept every night in his own room!  This week Issac is learning where his fingers & toes are. He currently knows where the following body parts are: hair, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, shoulders, belly button, butt, peepee, hands & feet.  On Sunday we made a trip to Costco & bought Yogi Bear on blueray.  We have watched it everyday since: Issac says "YOGI PEAS" & neither of us can deny him :) 
Josie is growing and finally kicking the cold. I was pleased to receive a personal phone call from my pediatrician Tuesday since A Medical Center representative has been calling and insisting that I take Josie to a 4 plus hour consultation that included an examination by a neurologist, an occupational therapist, eye specialist and the list goes on. The kids Pediatrician agreed with us that Josie has been lumped in with other NICU babies who have long term problems & that Josie is developing just fine. She assured me that my gut was right & that such an examine would be a waste of everyone's time. (WOO HOO) I'm excited to take Josie in for her 4 month check up in 2 weeks & see how much she has grown.   
Tyler FINALLY got his car fixed Tuesday evening and had an MRI done this morning on his ankle.  We hope to get news early next week. Spring Classes started this week, I'm taking a community development course, the political theory of Human Rights & participating in an intership to wrap up my UW Tacoma expirence.  Busy busy. XOXO ~til next week!


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