~Mighty May~

May is a super busy month for us. May 5th Tyler & I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary.  Tyler got me a dozen roses & a card.  We had a busy day at home as we packed the car and headed north to Bellingham for the weekend.  We arrived at my Mom's house in Ferndale Thursday night.  Friday, I went into Bellingham to join my fellow UW Tacoma classmates on the CIVITAS annual trip.  We had a busy afternoon that started with a presentation from city planning officials on their "urban Villages" concept.  Then we walked to meet with a habitat restoration specialist who discussed a beautiful project along Whatcom Creek.  Finally we walked down to the old GP Paper mill site for a couple of meetings with Port representatives.  First the economic advisor discussed the impact of the border. Then we were given a tour of the old GP site. It was fascinating to see these old brick buildings being gutted and take a close look at the huge pieces of machinery they were abstracting from the buildings. 

Then I went back to my Mom's house to enjoy a dinner with my family & my uncle John & his wife Tina who were visiting from Virgina.  Saturday Tyler & I joined up with the student group at the Bellingham Farmer's Market. then we went on a walking tour of WWU.  Tyler & I are open to moving, so if I could ever find work, Western is where Tyler would earn his BA.  Saturday afternoon we enjoyed some more time with my family before John & Tina had to head to the airport.  Tyler & I then joined back up with my student group to enjoy an evening stroll & dinner in Fairhaven. 

Sunday was MOTHER'S DAY.  We took my Grandma Roslie & Mom out to lunch at Olive Garden in Bellingham before we headed south.  We stopped in Marysville to do some shopping before meeting up with Tyler's Mom Laura & her Husband Mark for dinner at Boston's. It was meant to be a surprise but either way it was a great time.  We drove home, unpacked & prepared for a new week. 

The weekdays are jammed packed. Mondays & Wednesdays I'm gone 9-4 at my internship & then class.  Tuesdays & Thursdays Tyler has physical Therapy, yes he is still off work do to injury.  He is under the doctor's care & doing all the necessary exercises to try and regain the strength in his ankle.  Graduation is approaching, I mailed out announcements & the party plans are under way.  Today, Tyler ordered my cap & Gown, I get to pick it up on my birthday, woo hoo for me.

This weekend we got a babysitter for Issac on Saturday so Tyler & I could go to breakfast.  We took Josie with us, enjoyed breakfast, a trip to Costco, exchanged a broken toy at Walmart & visited the federal Way Farmer's Market. All before 2pm! I then spent the evening volunteering at the Citizens for a Healthy Bay auction. It was a beautiful event.  Sunday, Laura, Mark and Janiel came down for a salad & homemade turkey sausage lasagna. 

Here goes another week.  our camera is broken- explains the lack of pictures. :( we tried to return it and....drum roll please: we were 1 day past our 90 day return policy. the manager instructed us to call the manufacture. Issac's 2nd Birthday is approaching. Next Saturday we are celebrating with family & friends at the Pacific Science Center with a dinosaur theme. I hope to post a blog & pictures about it next Sunday.  Until then~ XOXO


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