Changing Seasons

October has come & gone. It was an amazing month all gearing up to the big day: Halloween!  I was super excited to take Issac trick or treating this year.  To prepare we did a ton of pumpkin crafts, checked out some Halloween themed books from the library and watched a few Halloween movies including A Word World Halloween DVD, Spooky Buddies & others.  Here are our top ten highlights for the month. 

1)      On the 5th we celebrated a friend’s 1st birthday.  I went with my friend Jen & her daughter Lily to Pacific Science Center with the kids.  I packed some Pb&J’s & we had a great time.

2)      The 8th I took Josie to a birthday party & Issac got to see his first theater movie with Dad.  Tyler took Issac to see Cars 2 and Issac did a great job, lasting almost the entire film’s length.

3)      The 9th Tyler’s Mom & Mark came over for dinner. Tyler made us Beef & Broccoli with rice & salad. It was delish!!!

4)      This month I took on a volunteer position of Co-Director of Outreach at SU4K Tacoma. This role is key to the work we do with the homeless & street youth in our community. I also enjoy the weekly reminder to be grateful for all I have; family, friends, health, a home, a car…..

5)      I have begun to babysit for a friend two days a week while she attends class.  The little girl is 2 days younger than Issac and it has turned out to be perfect.  The kids play great together & the extra cash is just in time for the holidays!

6)      On the 22nd, my mom came to town.  It was a rainy & gloomy day so we enjoyed some time at home, took the kids to the pumpkin patch on Sunday & enjoyed pizza and cake with my cousin and her husband. 

7)      The 23rd was a great choice for the pumpkin patch.  The sun was out and there was a tremendous amount of puddles.  My Mom, Cousin Erin, her husband Ryan and their son Jackson joined our family of four for a mud filled adventure.  Issac rain around hitting every puddle and Josie studied everything to try and figure out where we were & what was going on. 

8)      The 29th was Jackson’s first birthday party. The kid’s first ever costume party.  It was a great time & I always enjoy any time I get to see my extended family.  We got Jackson a Lightning McQueen push car that Issac helped pick out.  The kids wore their costumes: Baby Mario & Baby Princess Peach. 

9)      The 30th Tyler had a TON of homework so my friend Shobi & I took the kids to Le Noir Bazzare. A gothic themed jewelry and craft show that had different portions of activity proceeds going to SU4K Tacoma, the event was amazing & I enjoyed being introduced to gothic art and jewelry. Something different & new, although not for me.  ;)

10)  HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!! First I want to know why my kids didn’t get any Skittles? I wanted to taste the rainbow!!! But seriously, this was the first year as a parent that I got to see my children enjoy the holiday & even kinda understand what was happening.  Tyler had class & like a good student he went so I took the kids up to my friend Shobi’s parent’s neighborhood. The loot was fabulous, Issac got 6 full sized candy bars!  For the most part he was really good, only tried to open a few doors, lol.  He would ring the doorbell & say, “I’m here, trick or treat”.  He was adorable & even behaved all night.  Sometimes he’d grab extra candy & say, “for sister” and then go put the candy in Josie’s bucket.  Josie enjoyed the stroller ride, walked to a few houses and was of course carried bunches!

Enjoy the pictures & Happy Holidays!   With all our love: Tyler, Josie, Issac & Leah


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