"I'm a Big Kid Now"

Something AMAZING has happened at our house this Summer. Issac has become a big kid, and in more ways than one.  It’s ABSOLUTELY true when every old person you come in contact with says, “cherish this time, they grow up fast’. In June I was changing two sets of poopies and placing Issac in time out every ten minutes for being mean to his sister. I was near my wits end & begging Tyler each afternoon for a few minutes of alone time.  Tyler & I recognized the problems, did a little research, a lot of discussing and together we located our inner-parenting-zen-zone. (YES, I completely just made that up).  Sometime this summer between playing cars on the floor, running around the back yard and playing at the park; both our kids experienced some major childhood developments and behavioral changes that have begun to make life more enjoyable for the entire family. 

Josie has begun to really talk, talk, talk her lil mouth off.  Last month she noticed that when she says “Owie”, she gets immediate attention so now she is continuously coming up to us saying “Owie” as she asks for kisses on her hand, leg, foot, head or even asks for kisses for her baby doll.  Josie also says, “weee” as she swings or goes down the slide at the park.  When Josie is playing outside and she hears a plane above, she points to the sky & says airplane.  Josie also points to the ground and says “dog poop” as she helps Tyler & Issac each afternoon to locate and pick up the dog poop in the yard. It is so cute and yet still surprising at some of the things she picks up.  She responds to counting & rarely do I get to three before she turns around. She sings 3 Little Birds with us and sings the Elmo’s World theme song.  Sometimes Josie says the silliest things, one night Tyler sneaked a bite of her pudding and she pushed him away screaming on repeat, “No bite, MINE. No-no Dada”.  Josie say's so many things at this point i don't think I could list them!!! In August she started saying "luv you" to me but didn't say it to tyler or anyone else until mid September.  Her vocabulary is growing each day and yesterday she said "pumpkin"!!!  

Both are kids have become more interested in walking with us then riding in the stroller.  Josie still enjoys the jogging stroller for long walks but we haven’t taken our double stroller anywhere with us all Summer.  Bonus- it seems to be easier than we anticipated.  I realized that we would spend a tremendous amount of time and energy putting the kids in the stroller and taking them out, arguing with them and locating stroller parking. So, we ditched the stroller and have had a fabulous time spending our energy on learning to hold hands. 

Dare I say it?  Issac is potty trained!!! I haven’t bought Pull-ups in over two months!!! We have also gone over two weeks without an accident, day or night.  I must admit potty training is to-date the worst part of parenting.  Thank god for my best friend, Di.  When I was feeling like a Mommy failure and everyone around me was constantly vocalizing their opinions and questioning me as to when Issac would be potty trained, Di would be the one who would support me and remind me that Issac wouldn’t go to school in Pull-ups and that not to be too pushy because he would do it when he was ready.  I knew Issac was ready but he wanted to be like Josie and wear diapers.  So I pulled out all the tricks.  We went under ware shopping and Issac got to pick which packs he wanted, all lightning McQueen of course.  Then we went to Costco and walked buy the diapers and pull-ups.  Issac and I stopped to discuss how the store found out he was three and they were not going to let me buy anymore pull-ups.  And believe it or not it worked.  He even wakes up in the middle of the night and goes to the poty by himself.  Such a big boy. 

It is amazing how much life has simplified this summer.  With Issac being potty trained and Josie beginning to vocalize her needs every day has become a little easier.  Now if I could only get them to share their toys all the time….Maybe next Summer!!!


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