A month of being Grateful
Hello November!!! As Thanksgiving
approached each day on facebook, I shared something I'm grateful for in my life.
As Americans we are the world’s largest consumers of products and waste. It can be easy to focus on what we want or
what we don’t have and I find it refreshing each day to remind myself of all
the fabulous things I do have in life.
1- I'm grateful for having an
amazing & loving Great Aunt who is now said to be cancer free!!!
2- I am grateful that my husband has
a good Union job that gives him paid vacation. This has been a nice relaxing
week with Tyler at home.
3- Today I'm
grateful for my cousin Erin. We never spent much time together
as children but I have truly enjoyed getting to know her the last two years
& I consider myself a lucky lady to have her as a friend.
4- Today I am
grateful for L-A-Z-Y Sundays that include a big breakfast made by Tyler & a few rounds of
5- Today I am grateful to be an
American & live in a Nation where people can publicly voice their opinions
& bash our Commander and Chief without living in fear of public
6- ♥ Today, On
his birthday, I am Grateful for my Husband Tyler. He is there for me when I need to
scream & there for me when I need to cry & ALWAYS on my side. Tyler is
a hard working provider, a great father & my best friend. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FIRE BABY!!!
7- November 7th- today I am
grateful for Disney Movies. #Cinderella #BugsLife
8- November 8th- today I'm grateful
for sweatshirts, slippers, blankets & heat on this frosty morning!!!
10- Today I am grateful for the
continuously growing collection of pictures we have of our children &
family. Both professional & personal digital pictures, these little moments
& memories are saved FOREVER.
11- Today I'm grateful for a few
hours of 1-on-1 time with my number one lil man. We played Candyland, took
Lucky for a walk and practice riding his bike.
12- NOV 12- Today I'm grateful for
all of the Veterans & their families for their sacrifices &
determination. #PROUDAMERICAN
13- Today I'm grateful for the health
of our daughter. Josie had a rocky start & will forever need to see a
Cardiologist but nothing slows our sassy lil miss down!!!
14- today I'm grateful for our HDTV
antenna, I get to watch the evening news & other network shows for FREE.
15- Today I'm grateful that my
children play well together (for the most part).
16- Today I'm grateful for man's
best friend: my precious Tinkerbell!!!
17- Today I'm. Grateful for a few
hours of alone with my husband. We are going to breakfast & then a lil
kid-free grocery shopping.
18- Today I'm grateful that my
children are blessed to have great Aunties and Uncles. Maybe they don't have a
ton of them but their Auntie Nicole & Uncle Warren and their Auntie Andalyn
and Uncle Jayson sure make up for it by taking the time to crawl on the floor
to play and by take adventures with us. Also, Thank you for the holiday goodie
bags you send out!!!
19- Today I'm grateful for the
rain. It was getting so dry & gross with over 90 days no rain in Seattle.
Now things are as they should be: green & fresh.
20-Today I am grateful to be a SAHM
(Stay at home mom). It is the toughest
job I will ever have, but also the most rewarding and I wouldn’t trade it for a
million dollars.
21- Today I am grateful for my belongings, the stuff I take for granted each day; my bed, clothes, car, everything.
22-Today I am thankful for a nice calm Thanksgiving with my
family. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!
23- Today I am grateful for walks around the neighborhood with my kids, counting mailboxes, picking up sticks and pine cones and stomping in the puddles!
24- Today I am grateful for quiet time. I don't get much but every night Tyler takes the kids to brush their teeth, read two books and go to bed. i have come to expect 7 demand my quiet time. Some nights i watch TV, others I craft or make a tutu or on nights like tonight, I'm catching up on some emails & blogging!
25-Today I am grateful for FAMILY TIME. Big breakfast Sunday
& then taking the kids to see Finding Nemo at the theater.
26- Today I'm grateful for my Mom. She's not rich & she's
not perfect, but she's always been my number 1 fan and the kids & I are
27-Today I'm grateful for Cookies & How the Grinch Stole
Christmas!!! I'm loving the holidays with our kids finally old enough to enjoy
all the fun stuff!!!!
28-Today I'm grateful for story time. First I read to the
kids, then Issac "re-reads" the books to me.
29-The month is almost done. Nov 29th- today I'm grateful
for my close group of friends whom I don't go more than a day or two without
talking or texting.... Di, Erin and Shobi. I love my girls!!!
30-Some people have big families with lots of brothers &
sisters, Mom's family & Dad's family. I never had all that. I had these 4
people; Mu Grandma, My uncle Philip, my Aunt Nicole and my MOM. Today, I'm thankful for them, their strength guidance & their
support in life.
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