Halloween 2012

Maybe it is just me but this year I got extremely stressed out over Halloween costumes.  I know, shake your heads at me but I really like my kids to match to some extent.  I also realize that I only get control over what exactly their costumes are for a couple of years.  Everyone around me kept telling us to just take the kids to the store and let them choose, but what if they choose something weird or random? 

Tyler wanted the kids to be Mike Rozoski & boo from Monsters inc.  Someone from his work even lent us a Mike costume.  However, the mike was too big & needed dry cleaning and to purchase a Boo costume was over a hundred dollars!!!  A friend & I did contemplate making a Boo costume but then the amount of the materials was going to be more than I was comfortable spending on a children’s Halloween costume.  I also secretly really wanted them to be Cookie Monster & Elmo, but those costumes were also out of our budget.  I drove around and shopped at six different second hand stores and never found an Elmo or cookie monster.  Tyler wanted to just go get the costumes from Party City, but over $40 per kid?? NO WAY.

We finally came to an agreement on a twenty dollar per kid max.  We also decided to take the kids & let them choose but to try & guide them to something familiar to them and in our comfort zone and budget…. AND guess what? They did fine.  Issac picked out a Woody from the Toy Story trilogy costume right off the bat.  Then he wanted to get Josie a Jessie from Toy story 2&3 costume but the stores didn’t seem to offer that costume in a toddler size. L  We drove around to multiple box stores with no luck.  But then, Issac yelled, “there it is, there is a pink Jessie costume for sister!” in the middle of Target.  So if you ask Issac, they were Woody & Jessie but really they were just PLAIN CUTIES!!!!

We went trick or treating in Covington throughout Shobi’s parent’s neighborhood.  Issac was really good about saying please and thank you at every house.  Josie would wait until the last moment and then say thank you as she walked away.  The only time the kids got thrown off was when there was spooky decorations on the porch, at those houses they wouldn’t say anything or even make eye contact because they were too busy watching the decorations. 


The kids had a great night, we had a great night and the rain held off until after we were back at home in bed.  The kids candy buckets were full to the rim and we actually just tossed out the rest of the candy Thanksgiving weekend!!!  i plan to not stress halloween next year and be prepared by having the kids costumes ready to go come October first!!!! 


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