Preschool here we come

Last Spring we began to discuss preschool options for our four year old son.  With me being a stay at home Mom we felt it was important to socialize him, get him used to taking directions from other adults outside our family and also get him adjusted to a classroom routine. As we began our search we quickly realized that full time pre-k courses could cost $500 a month and up.  One perk to our location on the west hill of Kent is that we were surrounded by options.  I stumbled upon a cooperative preschool in Des Moines.  It is about a ten minute drive away and the teachers are all just amazing.  A few weeks before school started we meet up with some of the children, moms and teachers at the park for a play date.  Issac was super excited and picked out his outfit beforehand.  At the park both children interacted very well with all the students, parents and teachers and I knew it was going to be a great fit for us. 

On the first day of school Issac woke up at 7am, ate his yogurt and cheerios, got dressed and tried to walk out the door.  It was almost four hours too early! We leave at noon for preschool so an 8am out the door is a little much.  The entire morning he was filled with excitement and asking tons of questions like; “how many boys will be in my class?” 

 Above- Lunch before school.
Bellow- Josie wanted a sign and pictures too.

On the way to the first day I lost my marbles.  I took the absolutely longest way possible, driving miles out of my way to prolong the first ever drop off experience.  I had to pull over on the side of the road near Salt Water state park to vomit, no joke.  I felt guilty for dropping him off, what if something happened to him.  What if he exhibited an outburst and the adults present couldn’t handle him? What if he spent the entire class time in the corner crying?  My children have never gone to daycare and the one time we left Issac at the Ikea childcare center he was freaked out because we left him and he couldn’t find us.  Then there is my worst fear of all; what if I left him there and I never saw him again? 
I was able to breathe and I gathered my composure when a little voice in the back seat said, “I will always love you Mom but I’m four and it is time for me to go to school.”  We arrived at school early despite the long detour.  Issac was in a rush to get inside, speed walking through the parking lot & barely allowing me to snap more pictures.  We were the first to arrive.  

When we left it was Josie who wouldn’t stop crying.  She wanted to go to school. She wanted her Issac.  She didn’t want to leave him behind as I pulled from the parking lot.Day two was a little easier; on Wednesdays Josie goes to the neighbor’s to be babysat while I volunteer in Issac’s class.  Josie enjoys the time away and Issac enjoys having me in his class

 Well, I don't know about your house, but at our house Chocolate can fix almost anything. So while Issac was at his first day of school Josie & I made cupcakes.  Our mister thoughtful; Issac shared them with all the neighbor kids.

 Above- Josie's chocolate frosting face 
Bellow- Issac at pick up.
Now that we are six weeks in to the school year our entire family has adjusted.  I make crockpot meals on school nights, Tue/Wed/Thur, and we gather our clothes before bed the night before.  I enjoy watching Issac interacting with the teacher and his fellow classmates each Wednesday.  I am watching as his personality grows and changes.  I see him in a different light.  He wants to be helpful and he is usually the first person to voice concern for someone’s safety or offer sympathy when someone’s feelings are hurt.  Since going to school he has begun to listen better.  Issac has also begun to write.  He has been able to spell all of our names and our last name for some time but had shown no interest in writing until he started school.  Issac spent two weeks voicing “I want to learn to write my name and one night after dinner, he sat down and did it.  Then the next morning he woke up and asked to practice and also wrote “Josie”. 

I’m really happy in our preschool choice.  We are very excited to watch Issac grow and master new skills this year.  We are also excited to make new friends and increase our knowledge. 


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