Summer Beach Pictures 2014


Last June we had our Summer Beach Pictures taken by my Friend Tammy at Howarth Park in Everett.  Honestly, this year we had discussed choosing to pass on Summer family pictures for a plethora of reasons but mainly the cost.  In addition to purchasing attire to wear, it can be so expensive to pay a photographer to have quality pictures taken.  However, in early June I saw a beach mini session special from Lisa J. Bruce Photography as I scrolled through facebook.  Knowing that we were already planning to be in the area for Independence Day I went ahead and booked a mini session for July 5th, 2014  again at  Howarth Park. 

This year we choose to include our family dogs in our pictures.  I realize that because we have had our dogs for many years that both our Chihuahua Tinkerbell and our Toy Poodle Mr Lucky’s years are numbered and one day we will have to say goodbye. So capturing a a few images with the kids & the Dogs seemed like a great way for the kids to be able to look back & remember the pets of their younger years. It was a nice thought.  It can be tough enough to get the kids to look at the camera and cooperate but two kids & two dogs?

In addition to our dogs, the other difference our friends & family will notice with this session is Issac’s baseball hat.  Oh how I fear the wrath of Kindergarten because he will not be allowed to wear a baseball hat at school.  But Issac is super attached to his baseball hats since the day he got his first one for his fourth birthday.  We agreed to allow his to take pictures with and without his hat to capture his true five year old self. 

It was also nice for Tyler and I to get a couple pictures of just the two of us taken; often we are busy taking the pictures.

At the end of our session Lisa told us were the coolest parents because we let our kids play in the water?!?! Seriously, how can you take kids to the beach in July & not let them get wet?

I think it is always wonderful to have more family pictures for the collection because we never know what tomorrow will bring. When I look at old pictures I remember the kids in that age & stage and it makes me smile.  I can't wait to look back on these pictures & remember the sticks & rocks that occupied the children's minds and the laughter we shared as Josie shouted; "Oh, NO! My dress is wet!" 


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