Christmas 2011

Before December began we had decided to hold off on Christmas until after Josie’s Birthday, we had even decided to do everything from the 15th on to celebrate with the “Sipress 12 days of Christmas”.  We ran out of energy and money before we could do every little activity we had discussed but did manage to enjoy a ton of festive holiday activities.  Although ice skating & caroling may come to mind when you think of seasonal activities, with two young kids we spent a few evenings watching holiday films & reading Christmas themed children’s books as a family.
 However, after witnessing Issac’s excitement every time we drove by a minivan with a tree strapped to the top we decided to get our Christmas tree on Sunday the 11th.  We wanted to revisit the spot we went last year so we drove out Highway 18 to Black Diamond to purchase our tree from a local “you cut tree farm”.  It was a chilly evening but we bundled up & had a great time. 
They had tractor rides around the tree farm which Issac loved and it didn’t take us long to spot the perfect sized tree for our family.  When we got in the car Issac started to cry because he couldn’t see the tree strapped to the car from his car seat, “My Christmas tree. MINEEE” Issac screamed, sad but comical because he was confused.  Tyler & I assured him that Dad had tied the tree to the car.  When we arrived back at home Issac climbed out & tried to get the bungee cords off “his tree”. 

After dinner we played Christmas music & decorated the tree.  Issac was so silly at first putting a pile of plastic candy canes on a branch, then he yelled, “I help u mom. All done.”  We then assisted him in gently hanging the ordainments one at a time.  Typical Josie danced around to the music & tried to chew on everything she could put her hands on.   Now every day, multiple times a day, Issac says that he wants to show me something on his tree so I sit next to him as he points out the stars and colors and the personal ordainments we have.  “That’s Dad’s mom. That’s sister’s mom.  That’s mine mom.  That’s yours mom.  That’s a red star mom. That’s a blue ball mom.”  I think everyone gets the idea!! J
The 15th we started our 12 days of Christmas by watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas, then we read the book before bed.   The 16th we went to Zoo Lights at Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma with my Cousin Laurrin,  Cousin Erin, her husband Ryan & baby Jackson.  It was cold and overcrowded as to be expected but we bundled up & enjoyed the lights.  Issac loved it as he pointed out the shapes, colors and animals he recognized.  Josie and Jackson were quiet and enjoyed the senerary. 

The 17th our family went  to see Santa.  After spending all day talking about seeing Santa, Issac never sat in his lap!! At one point Issac did give Santa a HIGH FIVE, but then put the candy cane back & was ready to go.  Josie never even got close to the guy but passed smiles & glances his way.  After saying hello to the big guy in red we went to an ugly sweater party at a friend’s house.  The kids had a great time playing with the other children while we enjoyed some fun adult time. 

The 18th we watched Fred clause & made a Ginger Bread House.  As with every activity that involves a toddler, Issac had a breakdown after getting in trouble with Dad for eating too much of the candy, but quickly picked himself off the floor and went back to helping.  It was a sticky activity but a fun one that we’ll be doing again J

The 19th we spent the evening going to Sears to get Josie’s 1 year pictures, Issac’s 2 ½ pictures & some family pictures taken.  As always they turned out great & I had a 40% off coupon so we purchased the digital image CD. 

The 20th we stayed home & watched Polar Express and drank hot chocolate & read Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.  The 21st we watched Christmas with the Cranks.  The 22nd we drove to Redondo, parked the car.  We enjoyed the evening of winter by taking a nice family walk through a beautifully decorated neighborhood. 
Friday was the 23rd so while I attended outreach for SU4K Tacoma The kids & Tyler enjoyed Mickey’s Magical Christmas.  Christmas Eve, fell on a Saturday.  Tyler worked during the day then after dinner we made homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies for Santa before reading ‘Tis was the Night Before Christmas.  After Issac was asleep I placed all the gifts under our empty tree, placing two big red stuffed stockings in the front.
Christmas Morning Tyler & I got up at 6am and enjoyed coffee while we waited for the kids to wake up.  They both were instantly happy & dove into their stockings & gifts.  Issac loved all his new gifts including his new cars and was quick to bundle up in his new Lightning McQueen Comforter.  Josie got a fuzzy Minnie Mouse blanket, a new baby and some cars of her own.  While the Kids played & watched a new movie we got ready & loaded the car.  We were on the road to Grandma Mel’s before ten & arrived safely in Ferndale at Noon. 

We opened Gifts with my Mom before my Aunt Nicole, Warren, Uncle Philip & Grandma Rosalie arrived.  From the moment I laid my eyes on my Grandma I knew this was her last Christmas.  Gee-Gee sat quietly in the chair as the kids excitedly opened their gifts from everyone.  The Kids got new clothes, new toys & a ton of Little People Stuff including a dollhouse & a racetrack.  My Mom cooked a beautiful & yummy Turkey Bird with all the fixings and we sat as a family enjoying the meal.  After dinner Tyler cared for our children while I went to my Grandma’s house for a few hours with my Mom, Uncle & Auntie. 
Monday had a rough start but we managed to get on the road & arrived at Tyler’s Mom’s new house in Smokey Point around 2pm.  We enjoyed a delicious Prime Rib dinner with Laura, Mark, Devon, Lucas, Uncle Jayson & Auntie Andalyn.  We all got spoiled, Tyler & I received new pots & pans and the kids got pajamas and more Little People Stuff.  Josie got the zoo, a pink convertible and Issac received a tractor, Cars 2 blue ray and another racetrack, which I took back & got him the Barn/ Farm.  It was a fabulous day & our entire family had a great time. 

Our Holiday Season this year was beyond stressful with a big scoop of fun.  On the 19th while i was on the phone the kids got ahold of our camera & put it in the dog water, so that explains the lack of pictures for the bottom half of the blog, we did take some pictures Christmas morning with our phones.   However, I will always remember this year because it was my Grandma’s last Christmas. For thirty years I was blessed with Christmas memories of my Grandma, even as an adult, I have never spent a single Christmas without my Mom & Grandma.  Although some of my memories from this year include the sickness & weakness that was overtaken by my Grandma’s Cancer, I’m thankful that my children were able to spend time with her.   I hope each one of you, our friends & family far & near had a memorable Holiday Season. 

With ALL OUR LOVE- Leah, Tyler, Issac & Josie


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