It seems like forever since I posted a blog. I've been writing but not posting for a list of reasons.  We didn't have internet at home & now we do.  Then my laptop needed repaired; the connection box inside it where the power cord connects became loose.  Thank you to Tyler's cousin Robbie who was able to fix it for us at a low cost!  
 I originally created this blog as a digital memory book for my family and friends in hopes that we can stay in contact in this digital age and so that one day my children can look go back and read about exciting events from their childhood. Because we all know that once something is on the internet it is out there forever!!!  
So this & my next few post will be catching up on all the excitement in the last six months before we can jump in to SUMMER!!!

In November my Mom came down for a visit and we took the children to the Veteran's Day parade in Auburn.  Each year the Veteran's Day parade is a favorite of mine because all of the Marching bands from around the state are in town for the State championships and participate in the parade.  As we were leaving and walking back to my car I had placed Josie on my shoulders. Traffic was lined up and two drivers motioned for us to cross the street.  A third car came at us like a T and I jumped backwards and landed wrong; breaking my right foot.  I spent November and December sporting a cast.  

The Holidays are always so busy for us.  First off Tyler works for a beer and spirits distributor so as you all drink a lil more to easy the holiday pain; Tyler and his co-workers have to work a little more to keep the shelves stalked.  This year in addition to my broken foot and the hustle and bustle of the holidays, having three separate christmases and Josie’s birthday we also had preschool and the preschool's annual auction. Lots of fun.
We have really enjoyed being apart of the co-op preschool environment.  The main fundraiser is an annual auction & potluck for the families.  It is a fun event with all the parents enjoying each other in chatter while the kids run around hyped up on yummy food & homemade desserts.  Each family is asked to donate an item for the auction and I sewed 2 Captain America Capes. 

We had our Holiday pictures taken this year at Trinity tree farm by Echo Photography.  I recommend Jessi to anyone. She was pleasant to work with and all of our images tuned out fabulous. We booked a Holiday mini session and got a great deal on these beautiful pictures. 

 Tyler took vacation time the week of Josie's birthday.  It is nice to have the extra hands during the busy season and the kids enjoyed the time doing holiday crafts and decorating for the holidays.   We also went to cut down our annual Christmas Tree at the Coates Family Tree farm.  Such a great family farm that we enjoy visiting each year to select the perfect tree.

This Year our Elf; Tad also returned to spend the Christmas Season with us.  Tyler & I enjoyed being creative each night and watching the children's excitement each morning as they located their elf and discovered his shenanigans.

Although our children are blessed it can be a little over whelming to do three Christmases.  This year they were spread out a little bit.  First we hosted Tyler's Dad & his wife and His brother & his wife at our home for a ham dinner and get together.  Then on Christmas we hosted my family including my Mom, Uncle Philip, Aunt Nicole & Uncle Warren on Christmas for a turkey dinner and we wrapped up Christmas at Tyler's Mom's house on the 28th with Her husband and two step sons.  Our apartment community also held a very nice Christmas party for the children with cookie decorating and pictures with Santa.  

For those who know me; I did very well in coping with my holiday depression this year.  I spent my time sewing homemade gifts and doing holiday crafts with the kids.  I sewed over a dozen aprons and the super hero capes in November and December.   I did have a meltdown on Christmas itself but that was the worse of the season for me & I was in the presence of my forgiving family.  

New Years Eve marked the two year anniversary of my Grandma’s passing and although I shed many tears in the morning; I did as she would have wanted and rang in the New Year with good company and a strong drink! My best friend and her Husband have made it an annual thing to have a themed New Years Party and this year they did the 80's! What fun it was.  Great people, great music, fabulous food and stiff drinks!!!  Thank you Di 7 Matt for hosting another fabulous event!

Well, there it is our Holiday round up.  Looking at the pictures it seems hard to believe that it is already MAY!!!!!!   I hope everyone else enjoyed the holidays and created a plethora of memories because I know we sure did!


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