March Mayhem & Madness

March was busy.  It was go-go-go all month but sometimes that is good when the going is good.  We started out the month by taking our annual trip to go tubing in the mountains with the kids.  We tried somewhere new and drove out to Snoqualmie Pass.  I had read an article online that they had a towrope for tubing and that the area was family friendly for all ages so we loaded up to check it out on the second. 
We had parked on the wrong end of the resort but were able to catch a bus to the area we ended in no time.  The snow was falling hard & the wind was strong so if you or I go in the future I would recommend ski goggles.  We got two adult passes & two rider passes, next time I would get Issac is own pass/tube.  My final remarks would be to use the tow rope, because walking up the hill was a killer, we tried it once, lol.  The snack shack is a tight fit but offers a warm food collection & our favorite- hot chocolate! 

The next weekend we drove to Marysville and Grandma Laura & Grandpa mark watched the kids overnight while we celebrated a friend’s Dirty Thirty with a Mad Men themed party.  We always have such a fun time with the Wagesters.  We enjoyed drinks, poker and so much laughter that my gut hurt the next day!!! 

On the 10th  the kids & I meet up with Cousin Erin & Cousin Jackson at Kent bowl to burn of some rainy day energy.  The kids did pretty good at keeping their attention on the bowling until about the eighth frame, but managed to finish anyway. 

Issac’s preschool had pictures done on the 18th so I previously bought a Picture People Groupon for Josie.  The pictures all turned out great.  Josie had fun having her own private photo-shot and Issac got his first class photo. 

We took a hike of Cougar Mountain with the Wagester Family on the 22nd.  The kids always enjoy running around together while us adults get in some exercise and chit-chat.  It is always nice to go on a hike.  The kids are tired and happy the rest of the day and I feel so refreshed. 

We wrapped up March with a trip to Camas to visit Uncle Jayson & Aunt Andalyn.  Jayson is in an intensive Chiropractor program, so we planned our trip to visit them while he was on Spring Break.  We headed down Friday evening so that we could get the most out of the weekend.  Saturday we hiked Beacon Rock which overlooks the Washington side of the Columbia River.  Although it was a beautiful hike,  I would not recommend it with children.  My kids were freaking me out walking close to the edges and bouncing around at the top!  

After the hike we headed back so that Tyler’s Grandma Sherrie & her husband could come for dinner.  Sunday we hiked around Lake Camus and had lunch before heading across town.  My Grandpa, his wife Barb, my Uncle & two younger cousins all live in Vancouver.  Damn me for not getting pictures!!! However, we enjoyed a nice dinner with my family and meet my uncle’s new wife before heading home Sunday evening. 

PHEW! March was madness. 
 Fabulous, fun filled memories.


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