Valentines Love & other Gushy stuff

Wow! I can’t believe that 2013 is almost half way over. I swear we were just ringing in the New Year!!!  We have been super busy this year.  I have purchased my own domain and created my own website.  My long term goal is to no longer use Blogspot and only post on my own website so that I 100% own my own content.  Feel free to check it out.  (  However, it is more difficult and costly then it appears upfront and I’m still learning how to fully function and operate all the features.  So I am going to continue to use this website.  I feel behind on our family’s digital scrapbook so here is a really long post to cover how we enjoyed February and March.
In January, after many bike riding lessons, here and there, Issac finally mastered riding his bike, and stopping his bike.  The first weekend of February we got a visit from Grandma Laura & Grandpa Mark.  We spent the afternoon outside in the sunshine watching Issac show off his bike riding skills. I made a nice roast for dinner and Laura brought dessert.  

In Seattle, every first Thursday the museums are free from 5pm-close.  So on February 8th we meet up with Grandpa Brad or Issac calls him “Grandpa Dad” at museum of flight.  Although Issac enjoyed spending time with his Grandpa and seeing all the airplanes; it was kind of a rough time of day for such an exciting activity and we had a break down….. or two before heading home.  Honestly, the kids do best at activities between 10a-4pm.

For Valentine’s Day, we did multiple crafts at home, and attended the Valentine’s Celebration at the Zoo, did some cookie decorating, and held a photo booth session.  I love how excited the kids do for each activity we plan. I enjoy seeing Issac clinch his fists with excitement. On Valentine’s Day morning the kids awoke to a bag of gifts attached to a balloon.  I sewed each of them a pair of pajamas and a tote bad, we added chocolates and books to each bag. 

We had purchased a living social deal for the Imagine Children’s museum on Bainbridge Island.  So on March 3rd we packed up and took the ferry for a day trip to Bainbridge Island.  The kids loved it. Besides the children’s museum, we walked around town, had hot chocolate, found a park to enjoy and then paid a trip to the waterfront before heading home. 

For Saint Patrick’s Day we had planned a Roaring 20’s themed party.  Honestly, the theme was my best friend’s idea and everyone seemed on board until the last minute.  So instead of having a party with only a quarter of the guests in costume, we just had a St Patty’s Day party.  This was a bumer because I sewed myself a fabulous flapper dress.   It was a fun time, although I got a little cranky because there were just too many kids in too many age groups and only one TV.  We built our own photo booth and that was fun for the kids and adults alike.  I hung a black flat sheet against the wall and Diane & I purchased different props from a variety of stores.
The day after our party, we took the kids to the Rainforest Café with the Wagester family.  It had been almost a year since we had last gone and we thought it would be a nice treat for the kids.  We went at opening so the place was empty and our kids were free to enjoy all the mechanical animals. 


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